For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Gospel of John, Chapter 3, Verse 16.

Some days you just wake up thinking
You haven´t talked with that special person lately
And you just think and keep thinking
And then all of a sudden
A song you haven´t heard long time ago comes to your mind
Franco´s song, with plain & simple words, just fits
Are you thinking of someone too ? enjoy the song and pick up the phone ...

How much do you love your brother/sister ?
How much do you love your mom/dad ?
How much do you love your girl/boyfriend ?
How much do you love your wife/husband ?
How much do you love your friends/relatives ?
No matter how much you love others
It can never be compared to the love GOD had for us
We LOVE because he first loved us ...

There is a time for everything,
And a season for every activity under heaven
A time to be born and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to uproot
A time for standing up, play, laugh and shout
And a time for sitting down, be quite, hear & listen : )

It´s crazy how this Susan Boyle phenomenon has turned out. It was just a matter of days. Try "googling" for Susan Boyle and you´ll get about 2,960,000 results. Crazy sometimes how gossip (facebook, anyone?) or a guy/gal having enjoying their 15 minutes of fame (or shame) gets this snowball effect so rapidly on the web in just a matter of hours... She got a fan site already ( and the slogan is "Never judge a book by it´s cover" BTW, another song she sang for a charity before was discovered: "Cry me a river" is the title. If you just close your eyes & hear it maybe an image of a lady in night dress besides a piano on an upscale restaurant singing, just like in the movies, comes to your mind, hahaha (talking about judging, huh ?). The next James Bond movie theme says a guy in YouTube´s comments, hahahahahah,... She was even commented on the Wall Street Journal blog. I mean, isn´t this newspaper supposed to be a "boring" financial publication ? (well, at least that was my perception back when I use to buy it along with the Sunday printed paper edition of La Prensa). Well, I suppose after all, all economic issues matter to the WSJ and without a doubt this Susan Boyle craze may turn out to be profitable for many as well. Good for her :)

See for yourself:

While I was hearing this song, I was thinking of the "meaning of life" for many people. A popular phrase came to my mind as well: Life Sucks, and then you die. I am not sure where, when and from whom I heard it from, or maybe I read it somewhere... This phrase may or may not describe your life at this moment. For me, it´s this precise phrase that "sucks". It´s pessimistic, it´s depressing, it, well, it sucks. It reminds me also of people that have looked for happiness, for ways to be better everyday (which is good), people who may have read a lot of self-improvement books, that are forever busy trying to have at least a "durable" happiness (let´s not even talk about long-lasting happiness with something or someone) but at the end are still sad and empty. Maybe they´ve forgotten nothing on this world can fill that void in their hearts. Maybe they have been searching in the wrong places. Maybe they have relied on their own human strength. Maybe they are even thinking they haven´t reached that "happiness level" and still wake up everyday and keep trying. Maybe they´ve forgotten there is a God, all powerful, all Mighty, capable of anything and able to comfort you in your darkest hours and able to lift you up when you are down, keep you going no matter what. Maybe they´ve forgotten (on purpose, or too distracted and busy by all things the world´s offering) that there is only one Creator of all things visible and invisible that can fill your need for happiness. Or maybe they´ve gone to church or tried to "look and search for God" but what they "saw or say they saw" on these places where there was supposed to be "better people" or "people who made it" (found God, that is) was a bunch of "nice hypocrites". Well, maybe or maybe not. But, anyway, your life doesn´t have to suck. You don´t have to just live and then die. Your life can have a meaning. Your life and happiness need not (and cannot) be dependent on other persons. Your life should have a purpose. Your life should be in need of God and his faithful promises ... May God bless you and may your life from now on, doesn´t suck :)

More than a yearning
More than a wish
We are hungry for You
Hungry to see You
To know You
And in your presence live

Fill us with your love
Satiate us Lord
Give us more of your light
Of your plenitude
We only want to be with You
Not apart anymore
With surrendered
and never doubtful hearts

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving ...

Check out this great video:

Got back home from a conference tonight. It was the 2nd. part of a broad topic: the signs of the end of times explained in a very clear language by an Argentinian bible scholar. If you know Spanish, take some time and visit his homepage to know more of him and his ministry: ... (the homepage is currently only in Spanish) and why, as I titled this entry, was this a joyful night for me? 

Well, first of all, the topic was very good, very enlightening, eye-opening and it kept me thinking how awesome is God´s word - the Bible - re: the prophecies taking place worldwide and that the time for Jesus´ 2nd. coming is near and that leads us to an inevitable question: are we prepared for this historical event ? If you had the chance of hearing the Gospel of Salvation and made a decision in your heart to accept Christ, had prayed him for forgiveness of your sins and surrender yourself entirely to the one and only Saviour Jesus Christ chosen by God, as I did myself one special day several years ago, then you shouldn´t fear anything. (1 John 4:17 / 1 Peter 1:3-5 and many other verses). Our hope and life are in God Almighty´s hands. But if you haven´t, what are you waiting for ? Maybe you, my dear friend, who is not a believer, is thinking: ok, enough, not another bs-foolish-Christian-nonsense preacher please. I´ve got enough of this religious brainwashing stuff. Well, I have to say to you my dear reader, it is written in the Bible and no matter what you choose to think or say or do, you won´t be able to humanly stop Jesus Christ´s 2nd. coming and God´s judgment upon all men and women. It´s that simple. As all other prophecies in the Bible everything will take place exactly as it is written in His time. It´s not my intention to scare you, but to warn you in God´s love that there is still time left for you. Look on the Bible for the Second Epistle of Peter, Chapter 3, verse 9. It says: The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. So, the decision is yours. Ignorance or lack of information as an excuse ? forget about it. Bibles, books and studying materials are cheap and available everywhere (if you live in Panama City, I suggest you visit a nice Christian book store in the El Dorado area and they may be able to help you, phone 236-9304 / E-mail: / They got Spanish, English & Chinese books and lots of interesting stuff there). You can also visit the Sociedades BĂ­blicas Unidades if you wish ( You can hear the Bible Broadcasting Network through AM radio 1350 or online ( Mom and Dad´s whatever tradition I got to follow as an excuse for not believing ? Well, I suggest you better start sharing with them the good news of Salvation as well or look for someone to share with them in an understandable language for them. Maybe you got some language barriers,etc. Remember, no tradition or religious rituals, as good as they may be, will save you or them from eternal hell. Second reason for joy: out of 5 people I invited, my sister went with me. I felt her interest and she was like, nodding more than usual, with the everyday examples the preacher cited. Third reason: we had a good time with friends whom we sat with together and joked a lot. A truly joyful night. Thanks God for this and all happy moments. Well, it´s all I´ve got to share tonight with you. Will keep posting later. Tomorrow´s payday and I still got to do some calculations and prepare the checks. I better arrive early to the office, hehe... P.S. Post your comments and voice your opinions, I´ll be very glad to read from you and feel free to send any prayer petition as well .... may God bless you and have a good night : )

Another year, another Easter. Resurrection Sunday has passed a few hours ago. In a few hours, I´ll have to prepare for another work week. I hope this Monday´s not as manic. Hope it doesn´t turn out to be "just another manic monday" like the Bangles song, hahaha... but a day & week full of blessings in the Lord. 

But before I go to sleep , I have a question for you my dear friend reading this: Have you decided to believe in Jesus yet? Have you asked him to forgive your sins and be your Lord and Saviour yet ? If yes, I am happy for you. May God bless you and keep growing on your knowledge of God's word and promises for you. If not, remember once again, Christ Jesus died long ago for you, for your/my loved ones, for your/my friends and for me. He died for all humanity. I won´t mention here all the bible verses (those, you can look for yourself) mentioning this. Also remember that he didn´t only died. He was risen from the dead and alive with God at this moment. He won over death once and for all to give us hope. That´s why His resurrection is central in Christian faith. That´s why Resurrection Sunday (or Easter as you wish to call it) is such a big deal. Without this, Christianity would be empty. Our belief and hope will make no sense. My dear friend reading this who haven´t accepted Jesus' gift of salvation yet, don´t wait anymore, don´t wait for another year. The time is now. Jesus is coming soon. Maybe sooner than you, I and everybody expects. Nobody knows when for sure. He will come “as a thief in the night” says the Bible. Forget about your past wrongdoings, confess your past and present sins, forget about "what about my ancestors ?, etc". You have the chance today, now, wherever you are right now. JesusChrist is waiting for you at this moment to surrender your life to Him. You have the choice. If you still choose not to believe, I am afraid I have to warn you, my dear friend, as tough as it sounds, things will be very very ugly for those who reject JesusChrist. More on that later. Just think about it. It´s really simple. Simple as in 1 plus 1 is 2 (don´t tell me it´s 11, as in eleven, that joke is very old). You have nothing to lose, my dear friend, and everything to gain by believing and accepting Christ in your heart. My prayer for you tonight is that you choose Jesus and I hope I can meet you in heaven with Him someday. Good night : )

Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, ask him to enter your heart, to be your Saviour, ask for God´s Almighty forgiveness for your sins, and you shall be free like the guy in the video ...  

... Hi folks, back to the Credomatic case, I posted before... interesting that while googling for "Credomatic + cargos por mora" I found out a guy in Costa Rica sued Credomatic for not announcing the new fees to their customers (...Credomatic en reiteradas ocasiones procede a modificar cargos sin informar previamente como corresponde.) and won the case.

You can download the PDF of the case here: Also, here is the link for their fees explained from their Mexican branch website:
Their late fees on my statement last year were called "cargos por pago vencido" and now it says "cobro admtvo. por mora". Different names for same, but higher, charge ?? Hmmm... got homework to do for next week now, hehe... will voice my complaint to Credomatic for these charges to see how it goes. Maybe I should consider cancelling this CC and use the other inactive one I got from their competition when they sent to me last month and haven´t used yet. Let´s see how it goes... After all, their competition is giving me a better service and their online banking is pretty good ´til now. Will keep you posted. God bless : )

It´s Holy Saturday in Panama. I´ve been with the flu for several days now : ( ... and since I´m at home having some rest this weekend, I thought it would be great to blog something and share with all. As soon as I get flu-free will be going to the nearest "policlĂ­nica" to get the flu shot. I can´t stand one more year with this: going every 5 minutes because of runny nose, coughing loudly, headache, no way... next year, story will be different. I missed this year´s retreat (just went for a couple hours and got back), the outdoor activities and friends. Anyhow, there were many benefits out of this "isolation": chat with a friend in need last night, told him again I will remain praying for him, take some time to read, check my accounts and, by the way, discovered something that doesn't benefit me in any way !!! The guys at Credomatic raised their credit card late fees to from $10 to $29.95, I mean, almost triple !!....