Beloved Muppet Kermit D. Frog has contracted swine flu, Disney Corporation officials have announced...
“He’s handling it well,” said Stacy Cantlin, a Disney spokesperson. “He’s sure to make a full recovery.”
“The pig gave it to him,” said Fozzy Bear. “It’s very obvious. “Of course he got it from Miss Piggy,” said Gonzo. “During the bird flu outbreak, I got sick from a chicken. It happens.”
“To associate swine flu only with pigs is a bit naive,” Cantlin said. “It can’t be presumed the virus came from Miss Piggy just because she’s a pig.”
In other news, some sources report that Christina Ricci was in fact the first high profile celebrity case reported. Recent photos confirm she has even grown a pig nose. (OMG !!)
“Few victims reach that point - where they actually start displaying pig features,” Dr. William Gifford, who runs a Los Angeles practice said. “I hope she’s getting the best treatment, because that’s nasty.”
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